
INSS Digital Proof of Life - Facilities and Requirements in 2023


INSS Digital Proof of Life

A Proof of Life It is an obligation that many INSS retirees and pensioners need to comply with to keep their benefits up to date.


However, the process has been undergoing changes and evolutions, making it more accessible and convenient for those who are used to facing queues and bureaucracy.

What is the Digital Proof of Life?

Prova de Vida Digital
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Firstly, it is important to understand what the Digital Proof of Life really is.

É  um método inovador que permite que a verificação da vida do segurado do INSS seja realizada de forma remota, sem a necessidade de comparecer pessoalmente a uma agência bancária ou ao posto do INSS.

This modality uses biometric technology and online tools to confirm the beneficiary's identity.

Quais são as Facilidades ?

Now, let's explore the facilities that Digital Proof of Life brings with you. To the benefits are notable:

What are the Requirements

Now, let's discuss the requirements que os segurados precisam atender . Aqui estão os principais:

Step by Step to Digital Proof of Life in 2023

To make the process easier, here is a step by step simple for Digital Proof of Life in 2023:

  1. Download the official INSS app or the financial institution responsible for your payment on your mobile device.
  2. Open the app and follow the instructions to authenticate by providing the requested information.
  3. When requested, capture your facial or digital biometrics as per the instructions of the application.
  4. Após a conclusão bem-sucedida, você receberá uma confirmation via the app and via email if available.
  5. Your benefit will continue to be paid regularly, and you will not need to worry about Proof of Life until the next annual check.

In summary, é uma inovação bem-vinda que simplifica a vida dos beneficiários do INSS, tornando o processo mais acessível e cômodo.

With technology on your side, obligation of proving its existence will no longer be a source of concern.

Take advantage of facilities It is benefits e garanta a continuidade do seu benefício de forma rápida e descomplicada.

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