
ProUni 2024: How to Prepare for the Scholarship Process


O University for All Program (ProUni).

An initiative by the Brazilian government that has transformed the dream of graduation into reality for thousands of students low income.


Offering full and partial scholarships in private higher education institutions, the ProUni It is a valuable opportunity for anyone seeking a quality education.

If you wish to participate in the ProUni 2024 and are wondering how to prepare for the selection process scholarships, this article is for you.

Let's explore the key steps and practical tips to increase your chances of success.

The Basics of ProUni

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Before we dive into preparation strategies, it is essential to understand how the ProUni.

The program is aimed at students who have completed high school in the public or private schools with full scholarship.

Furthermore, it is necessary to have carried out the National High School Examination (Enem) in the year prior to enrollment and achieved a minimum grade, which varies according to the desired course.

To the scholarships offered by ProUni are divided into two categories: whole grains, which cover 100% of monthly fees, and partial, which cover 50%. The choice of category depends on the family income of the candidate.

For full scholarships, the per capita income cannot exceed one minimum wage and a half. For partial scholarships, the per capita income must be up to three minimum wages.

Selection Process Steps

The ProUni selection process is divided into well-defined steps:

Enrollment: During the registration period, candidates must access the official website of the ProUni and fill in the necessary data.

It is important to provide accurate and truthful information, as it will be verified later.

After registrations close, the system selects candidates based on their grades in Enem and compliance with the requirements of income. The results are published on the website of the ProUni.

Proof of Information: Selected candidates must attend higher education institutions to verify the information provided in the application.

A documentation required includes proof of income it's from high school completion.

Second call: If all bags are not filled in on the first call, a second call is made, offering candidates a new opportunity.

Tips for Preparing

Let's cover some practical tips to increase your chances of obtaining a scholarship through ProUni:

Prepare for the Enem: The first step is to get a good score on the National High School Exam (Enem). Study in advance, do simulations and review the subjects relevant to the course you want to enroll in.

Check Income Requirements: Make sure you meet the requirements of income established by ProUni.

If your family income is close to the limit, check if it is possible to adjust the documentation to fit into the categories of full or partial scholarships.

Gather Documentation: Before registration begins, gather all necessary documents, such as proof of income it's from high school completion.

Have copies of these documents ready to facilitate the registration and verification process.

Search for Institutions and Courses: Discover the educational institutions and the courses available on ProUni. Evaluate which one best suits your needs and interests.

It is important to choose carefully, as once granted the handbag, changing courses or institutions may be restricted.

Keep an eye on deadlines: Be aware of the start and end dates for registration, as well as the deadlines for proving information. Delays may harm your participation in the process.

Consult Official Information Sources: Use the official website of ProUni and program communication channels to obtain reliable and up-to-date information.

Competition can be fierce, and not all candidates will be selected on the first call. Keep studying and improving