
4 reasons to turn off Wi-Fi before leaving home


With the evolution of technology, the presence of Wi-Fi in our homes has become essential.

After all, who can live disconnected these days?


However, there are times when turning off Wi-Fi before leaving home can be a very beneficial move.

In this article, we present 4 compelling reasons why you should consider turning off your Wi-Fi connection before leaving home.

Energy saving

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Desligar o Wi-Fi antes de sair de casa
Canva Pro

Primeiramente, muitos dispositivos eletrônicos permanecem conectados à rede Wi-Fi o tempo todo, mesmo quando não estão em uso. Isso inclui smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, assistentes virtuais e muitos outros.

By turning off Wi-Fi before leaving home, you will be contributing to reducing the energy consumption of these devices, which has a positive impact on your electricity bill at the end of the month.

Furthermore, by turning off your Wi-Fi router, you will also be saving electricity, contributing to preserving the environment.

Therefore, if you care about sustainability and reducing expenses, turning off Wi-Fi before leaving home could be a great choice.

Network Security – Turn off Wi-Fi

Keeping Wi-Fi on when no one is home can pose a security risk.

Hackers and cybercriminals can take advantage of unprotected networks to access personal information such as passwords, banking details and even control smart devices.

By turning off Wi-Fi before leaving home, you'll reduce your chances of exposure to cyberattacks and keep your network more secure.

sobretudo, uma forma de aumentar a segurança da sua rede Wi-Fi é através da utilização de um firewall e de senhas fortes.

Furthermore, it is important to keep the router's firmware up to date to correct possible vulnerabilities.

However, turning off Wi-Fi when not in use is still a fundamental measure to ensure your data is protected.

Lower radiation exposure

Continued exposure to radiation emitted by Wi-Fi and other electronic devices can pose a health risk.

Embora não haja consenso científico sobre os efeitos prejudiciais da radiação não ionizante presente em redes Wi-Fi.

Alguns estudos sugerem que a exposição prolongada a essas ondas eletromagnéticas pode

By turning off Wi-Fi before leaving home, you will be reducing your exposure to electromagnetic radiation, which can help preserve your health in the long term.

Limiting Excessive Internet Usage

Turning off Wi-Fi before leaving home can also be an effective way to avoid excessive Internet use.

With a Wi-Fi connection available all the time, it is common for people to end up spending too much time connected, whether on social networks, online games or simply browsing the web.

This can harm productivity, sleep and even interpersonal relationships.

By turning off Wi-Fi before leaving home, you're giving yourself the opportunity to disconnect and enjoy other moments away from the digital world.

Whether it's reading a book, chatting with friends in person, or simply resting without the distraction of the Internet, disconnecting can bring significant benefits to your well-being.

In summary, turning off Wi-Fi before leaving home can bring benefits related to energy savings, network security, health and well-being.

Considering these aspects, it is important to reflect on the need to keep the Wi-Fi connection active at all times and evaluate whether disconnecting at certain times could be an advantageous choice.

Ao tomar a decisão de desligar o Wi-Fi, lembre-se de utilizar as tecnologias de forma consciente e equilibrada.

olhendo os benefícios da conectividade sem descuidar dos aspectos relacionados à segurança, saúde e qualidade de vida.

Now that you know the compelling reasons to turn off Wi-Fi before leaving home, here are some useful apps that can help you manage your Wi-Fi connection more efficiently:

Useful apps that can help you manage your Wi-Fi connection

1. "WiFi Analyzer” – This Android application allows you to analyze the strength of the Wi-Fi signal, helping you identify possible interference and choose the best channel for your router.
Rating: 4.6/5 (rating based on 5 million users)

2. Netgear Nighthawk – Este aplicativo, disponível para Android e iOS, permite configurar e controlar o seu roteador da Netgear remotamente.

Incluindo a capacidade de pausar a conexão Wi-Fi em dispositivos específicos.
Rating: 4.1/5 (rating based on 10 thousand users)

3. “Fing – Network Tools” – This app for Android and iOS provides detailed information about all devices connected to your Wi-Fi network, allowing you to identify and block unwanted access.
Rating: 4.3/5 (rating based on 50 thousand users)

With these apps, you'll be better prepared to manage your Wi-Fi connection and enjoy the benefits of disconnecting when necessary.

Always remember to prioritize safety, energy savings, health and well-being when using technology in your everyday life.