Step by step - how to provide proof of income when self-employed

As a self-employed person, it is often necessary to prove your income for various purposes, such as renting property, loans or even obtaining certain benefits.

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However, because you don't have a pay stub, it can be a little more complicated to create proof of income. In this article, we will show you step by step how to provide proof of income as a self-employed person.

Organize your documentation The first step to providing proof of income as a self-employed person is to organize all your financial documentation, especially that which proves the entry of money into your account.

This may include bank statements, Income Tax declarations, payment receipts for services provided, among others. The more documentation you have, the better it will be to prove your income.

Calculate your average income

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Comprovante de renda sendo autônomo
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After organizing all the documents, it's time to calculate your average monthly income.

Add up all the amounts you received over a period of time (we recommend a minimum of 3 months) and divide by the number of months to get the average.

This average will be very useful when creating your proof of income.

Use specialized apps or websites

There are several applications and websites that can help you create proof of income in a practical and quick way.

Some of these services offer the option to enter your financial data and automatically generate a personalized receipt, which can make the process much easier.

Create your proof of income

With the documentation organized and the average income calculated, you are ready to create your proof of income. If you choose to use a specialized application or website, follow the instructions to enter the necessary information and generate your receipt.

If you prefer to create your own document, be sure to include all relevant information, such as your name, CPF, average income, and other data that prove your activity as a self-employed person.

Attest to the veracity of the information

It is important to ensure that your proof of income is truthful and consistent with the reality of your finances.

Therefore, before using it for any purpose, check that all the information is correct and that the calculated average income is accurate. This will help avoid any future issues arising from incorrect information.

Store documentation

Finally, it is essential to keep a copy of your proof of income properly filed. Regardless of how you created it – whether through an app.

Website or manually – it is important to have a copy on hand for possible future needs.

Additionally, if you have chosen to use an app or website to create the receipt, check whether you can save an electronic version of the document in a secure location, such as your email or a cloud storage service.

Examples of Apps and websites for creating proof of income
Receipt Generator: This application allows you to create proof of income simply and quickly.

Available for Android devices, Receipt Generator has a 4.3-star rating on the Google Play Store.
Proof of income: With this website, you can generate proof of income online and for free.

Income Proof is well rated by users, with an average of 4.5 stars.

With these tips and tools, you will be well prepared to create proof of income as a self-employed person.

Furthermore, it is essential to regularly monitor the performance of your investments in Tesouro Direto, adjusting the strategy according to your goals and the economic scenario.

Stay informed about financial market conditions and, if necessary, seek guidance from specialized professionals to optimize your results.

This way, you will be better prepared to take advantage of opportunities and face any challenges in your investment journey. Good luck